Thursday, February 24, 2011


Oh my goodness. I couldn't love teaching the sunbeams any more! Lately, I have really just felt the need to write down all the cute things they I don't ever forget!

Last week our lesson was on the holy ghost. The manual instructed us to share a story from President Wilford Woodruff. In the story Woodruff heeded to the prompting of the holy ghost when he was on vacation and moved the carriage he was sleeping along with his mules. After he did this, a powerful burst of wind broke down the tree that his mules were tied to and then carried that tree right to where his carriage would have been parked if he hadn't moved it. So after Trevor and I get done telling the story, one cute little boy looks up just completely confused and says, "Why would the holy ghost want to hurt those people?" Haha....So we continue on with the lesson, and then just about five minutes later another little boy raises his hand. "So, is the holy ghost a good guy or a bad guy?" I guess Trevor and I didn't clarify that although most ghosts ARE scary, the holy ghost isn't scary.

We have one little girl in our class that is going to grow up to go to Harvard or some other ivy league school. She is so stinking smart. We have almost made it through all of the articles of faith. So we are on the last one, and she just has it done cold. She's busting out all the honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous adjectives. Then the teacher gets to the part where it says, "we may say that we believe in following the admonitions of Paul." She stops before the word admonitions and asks all the kids if they knew what the next word is. Our little sunbeam was the only one who knew and it was just so cute to see her bust out such a HUGE word. Haha...the even funnier part is that Trevor and I were both looking at one another trying to see if either one of us knew what the next word was so we could give hints to our class. Hah...neither one of us knew.

We have one little girl that is so cute, I can hardly stand it. SHE HATES SINGING TIME. I've had to hold her while she's cried through it about three times now. It's been way cute to see her develop an emotional attachment for me though. She won't let go of her mom until she knows she can sit on my lap. I have to admit I just love it! :) Plus I am starting to suspect that she has a crush on another boy in our class because whenever we go for walks she INSISTS on only holding his hand. Then they always whisper to eachother secrets. It's the cutest thing.

Trevor also has a little one that always wants to be by him. We have just started calling him, "The Kitty." He just comes and rubs up against you the WHOLE TIME and just wants to be hugged or cuddled. So it's become a huge inside joke that whenever he comes over we just start to pet his head and try to get the other one's attention.

Anyways, there are some sunbeam tales for you. Seven sunbeams is a lot of work but I honestly NEVER want to be released! :(

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